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Benevolence and Food Ministry 

At MCCC we understand that it is difficult to nourish the soul when the body is hungry.  That is why we dedicate a large majority of our services to feeding those that are hungry.

Food Distribution Dates:


Every Saturday 11-2pm



Youth Ministry

 When Jesus showed love and kindness to children, laying his hands on them and praying for them, his disciples rebuked him.  In Matthew 19: 13-17, Jesus’ affinity for children is evident in his emphatic response to his critics. According to Matthew 18: 1-5, Jesus also used children to show who would inherit the kingdom of heaven; he identified certain aspects of children as the yardstick for even his disciples to follow. 

Evangelism Ministry

The Evangelism Ministry is the very essence of what our Father wants from each of us. We are to be a messenger of good tidings, reports, communication of the gospel, which are the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Just as Jesus taught us to come and see in John 1:39, this ministry seeks to spread God’s Word to the unbeliever and misinformed.


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(C) 2019 Minneapolis Central Church of Christ, Minneapolis, MN


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